The Kenyan Experiment : Episode 3

Will This Be A Problem Presents Episode 3: Forms of Protest III : The Serpent God of Lake Victoria In this episode, we will look at the religion of Mumbo, a serpent god who was believed to reside in Lake Victoria and in the sun. This religion would spread among the Luo and the Kisii … Read more

Forms of Protest III : The Serpent God of Lake Victoria

Powered by RedCircle In this episode, we will look at the religion of Mumbo, a serpent god who was believed to reside in Lake Victoria and in the sun. This religion would spread among the Luo and the Kisii and challenge the colonial structures and religion. Lost Places À Espera do Comboio da Noite – … Read more

The Kenyan Experiment : Episode 2

Will This Be A Problem Presents Episode 2: Forms of Protest II : Oaths & Stories In this episode we contrast the Kikuyu and the Giriama, and how they both use the power of oaths as their weapon against the British empire. We will see how narratives and stories  are the foundation upon which the … Read more

1. Forms of Protest I : The Two Prophets

In this episode of The Kenyan Experiment we explore the Maasai and the Nandi, the prophets who shaped their journey through the colonial march in Kenya and the varied and fascinating forms of protest the people adopted. Mystic Trials – VGM Mark H À Espera do Comboio da Noite – MPeX Beautiful Oblivion – Scott … Read more


Cobwebs hung from the wooden rafters of the one room mabati shack along with an assortment of beads and bones on strings. The room was dimly lit through a little wooden window that was only partially open and covered with a piece of sack for a curtain. Rays of light shone through holes in the … Read more


The gurney was the vehicle that brought in the dead. Limp, silent and unresisting; the dead laid covered in blue rumpled sheets. Sometimes their flesh quivered in the careless abandon of death. The men that wheeled the gurneys to the room where the bodies were kept had little to say. In their blue, numbered work … Read more